Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Happiness...

Today was bitter cold, but there were a few really great things about this day:

First, the sun was out! It put a smile on my face for no reason other than I had to wear my sunglasses while we ran errands. (This is uncommon most wintry days in the midwest.)

Second, this page is just WAY too cute! (From CHA at the Sonburn booth...check them out for sure.) I love the flowers that she used to embellish it.

Third, Tanner was wildly excited for school today. It was pajama day: nuff ' said! They made movie tickets with stickers and practiced buying the ticket, and buying popcorn and then having the whole movie experience. I kind of wished that I could have gone to school there today too. They are always having so much fun! His class had been studying artists and different forms of art last month and he came home today with his rendition of Picasso titled "A guy with a different kind of truck." Look close and you'll see the wheels. It made me smile!

And lastly, I got to hang out with my favorite girl in the world today. Does it get much better than that?? We had a long talk about how she will have to wait until she's much older to wear makeup. (She wants red lips like Cinderella.)

Here's hoping that you smiled today for no reason other than it is good to be alive!


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