Thursday, February 28, 2008

From McDonalds

Here I am posting from the McDonalds Playplace. Is this a great country or what?? The kids get to have a little play time, and I get to get a little work done. Brilliant! Usually you get free WiFi here, but it appears that now they are beginning to charge. Today I got a coupon so I could use it for free. Woohoo. When we were at CHA, we used the McDonalds WiFi and we did have to pay, but the cost in minimal. So we may have to do this more often. This afternoon will be spent scrapbooking and I can hardly wait. I have all of these ideas that I can't wait to actually to get started on it all. So hope you have a great Wednesday and check back to the site for the March kit to be posted on the first!!


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