Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cute Idea...

I was just finally putting away some of the last winter decorations around the house and had bought a pot of red tulips, my all-time favorite flower, and decided to re-purpose this cute jar. I couldn't find anything cute to put them in, and the valentine paper around them was definitely not the look I was going for. (But it did make them the nice price of $2.50, which is why I picked them up in the first place.) So I simply removed the previous contents and put them away for next winter. And replaced them with the pot of tulips. I didn't even have to change the ribbon. (By the way, my sweet grandma made the candle arrangement and gave it to me as a gift. I know...I told you creativity was in my genes!)

While in Anaheim we made sure we went to Anthropologie. My favorite, favorite store...there is one in Chicago, but I have never been, just seems so far to make the trek with the kids. So I am always completely inspired just looking at the amazing displays, and this particular time they had really decorated for spring. They had potted plants and dirt and real cabbages planted in things all over the place and it was very cool. If you have never been there it is a MUST! So I guess that was why I was looking for something unusual to house the new plant. I took a few pictures of the store and some of the things that were "speaking" to me. What a treat!

I also am going "green" with my grocery shopping and finally bought the fabric shopping bags that I had been meaning to get for a while now. They are $1 at Walmart and they were black which was a HUGE selling point for me. They shouldn't ever look dirty! I thought they were cute and the lady in line behind me was oohing and aahing about them. She hadn't seen them anywhere. The only draw back was that the checkstand isn't really equipped with a good set up for this kind of thing so it took a little longer than usual. But in the end, it's really such a small price to pay to help the environment. My favorite feature is that they have long handles so that you can just sling them over your shoulder. Those heavy items felt so much lighter over my shoulder instead of dangling from my pinkie finger! And yes, I am the "I-think-I-can-get-it-all-in-one-trip" kind of person. So this way I can use more than just my fingers and forearms!

Really I think I just like bags...purses, totes, duffel-bags, suitcases. I love them all, and I liked having an excuse (and a good one at that I might add) to buy a few more. I'm off to practice guitar for lessons tomorrow and take a little nap...had a great church service today and a yummy lunch afterwards. I made fajitas! Did I mention that Sunday is my favorite day of the week? It's no wonder why!


nAnnAlYnn said...

i love the tulips in a great jar!
it's been a couple of days since i
checked in ---just want to say that
i love the pictures from CHA. the
pages from heidi grace with all the
stitching and hearts and flowers are adorable. thanks for sharing some of your highlights and ideas. i feel like i leafed through a new magazine...only i can click and get a close up look and all the details's great!

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