Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well here it is... time for my first giveaway. Very exciting! We have randomly chosen a winner and the winner is...Ahauna who posted :February 1, 2008 10:56 AM . So email me at with your address and I will get it right out in the mail to you. ONCE I can get out of my driveway...LOL. It's so snowy here that I didn't even get any MAIL yesterday! Did anyone else have a snow day yesterday? The only thing that's a bummer about snow days is all of the shoveling that's involved. My back is a little sore today from all of that lifting. Luckily it was a light, fluffy, powdery snowfall. As you can see by the pictures...Macintosh (our Cairn Terrier) loves the snow and has already been out 6 bazillion times this morning. He goes out looking normal and comes in looking like the abominable snowman. It's very cute...not to mention WET!
I hope that some of you are going to get some time to scrapbook this Superbowl weekend. I am having a friend over today to get crafty. I still have so much product left over from my kit to play with that I think I will just have to make a few more projects! I will post pictures of the finished results of course. I am also getting prepared for CHA! So excited about that! Then of course...who wouldn't be excited about that! Have a great Superbowl/scrapbooking weekend!


SandySue said...

I am a teacher and I always loved snow days because there was just no choice but to put aside the busy errands and enjoy the peace and beauty. The shoveling makes up for the hot chocolate. Cute pics of dog and kids. I was wondering about the canvas thingy you have behind the picture of your daughter. Is that in the kit. I am telling my friends about this great site.

Heidi Stork said...

No the canvas is not included in the kit. I used the kit to decorate it's like a scrapbook page you can hang on the wall! It could easily be done on a page as well. And keep checking back for our kits to possibly include a canvas coming soon...exciting!


Ahauna said...

Thank you! I just sent you an email...

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