Saturday, February 16, 2008

More, more, MORE!

I can't help but feel like looking through all of the CHA photos over and over again, I am going to post some more to share. Really there was just so much. Almost too much visually to take it all in. I thought that the displays were just as creative as the new product even! We made a make-and-take at the Heidi Grace booth that was such a cute idea. It was just a shish kabob of gumdrops with a monogram in a circle at the top. It would make a really cute (and inexpensive) party favor for a childs party. I would keep in mind the kids ages because it is on a skewer that could be dangerous for little ones.

I am definitely going to do this idea again. I was thinking of all of the fun variations you could do also...skewer a marshmallow peep for Easter, or this would even been really fun to do at a wedding with elegant papers for horsd'oeuvres. The possibilities are endless. I made one for each of my kids and they LOVED them.

This is Heidi Grace paper and I have a few more photos of her booth to share. The colors were darling and it was packed with people...I had to wait my turn to take photos of it. That being said, Heidi Grace is truly an artist, and her work is beautiful!

Even her catalog was amazing! Filled with her sketches and artwork for the designs. I am telling you it was inspiring! So have yourself a wonderful weekend, and take some time to relax!


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