Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take me to your leader...

As promised here are a few shots of the robot party invites. (Thanks for holding me accountable to finish them up!) I thought I might NEVER finish them. And considering that Tanner was convinced that he needed to invite his entire class (girls too!) I had to make quite a few! I tried talking some sense into him and telling him that we should just invite the boys, to which he responded "Mom if I don't invite will break her heart!" How can I argue with that?? So we have invited 22 kids to his party. Anyone want to come help? LOL! The message inside says "Mark your calendar and save the date because robot parties are really great! Gidgets, gadgets, gizmo's too,we'll have super fun things to do. Games to play, robots to make, when we're done we’ll eat some cake!"
This is a silly picture I took at the gym yesterday morning. Like the nice fog? It's been pretty much like this every morning, and then clear and sunny later. See the dog in the back of the SUV? The owner left him like that and as people came out to their cars or parked near him he would bark and snarl and scare them to death! The most ironic part of this photo is what his license plate says...(you may need to click to enlarge)
Faux Pas...yes, it said faux pas. Ironic no?


Jennifer said...

How cool are those invites!!!! Love them. I love what you put inside too. You are so creative. Hope the party is fun.

Heidi Stork said...

Mom- He loves aliens and everytime he draws his birthday cake...he makes an alien space ship on the top of it! It's all good! I'm glad you like them...they aren't my favorite. :)

Love you!

Amanda Smith said...

I think your invites turned out adorable. Lots of work considering you had to make 22!

Even though he may not notice them now, when he gets older he will see all the little things you did to make his birthdays special and he will appreciate it. (at least that is what I tell myself when I take on these kind of projects!)

Are you making the cake?

Erin said...

Can I come to the party so I can receive one of those super wonderful invites? I LOVE them--way to go!

em said...

Those invites are AWESOME! I just posted on my blog today about Miri's birthday. I just got photo invites...waaay to lazy to make something cool like yours!

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