Sunday, November 30, 2008

Decked Out!!

I am so excited to introduce you to our December kit "Decked Out." It is packed with inspiration and a little holiday cheer. It has just the right mix of a little holiday and a lot of fun! It is my favorite kit yet...and once you see it, you'll know why!

I am happy to introduce to you our guest designer this month Chataqua Yardley. Her gallery is full of fun! Jaime Warren's gallery will be a little bit late this month as her computer crashed from a virus and she lost everything! Poor thing. Look for it "coming soon." Here is a little gallery preview...I made these little "wish list" books for the kids so I could write down what they were wishing for (sometimes it's so easy to lose track of all that they have their hearts set on!)
When I asked Tanner what he was going to ask for from Santa he said "I really just want some birds." I had to document it! I'm sure this phase won't last long where you can buy him a happy meal and he acts like you gave him the moon! I WILL enjoy it while I can. LOL.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I will be sending out a newsletter in the next day or two, so be checking your inbox for that...and I will also post it here as well. Get this kit while you can! It will be for sale first thing in the morning at 8:00 a.m. CST. Be sure to check it out!


Holly said...

The kit is great!! I need at least 2 of these just for fun. Love the bright fun colors and the gallery is amazing!! The alpahabet is the cutest! The mushroom....oh my!

Love to you,


nAnnAlYnn said...

wow! great gallery...tons of
christmas inspiration. the tags are
great, the color scheme, and my favorite is the big crazy the font! even just
hanging one of those letters for a package tag would make the whole wrap great. once again...thanks for
all the new ideas.
love you,

Jen said...

Good picks!!!! I have the All Out Of It for my groceries...Good Taste:) :) I love the Big Mushroom letters. I can't wait to see it in person. The kits just get better each month. Thank You for the fun fun kits and the inspiration you give us all.

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