Wanted to check in and give you all the latest of what is going on around here. My Mom and Aunt are here visiting and we are having round the clock fun. I am also so VERY happy to report that my kids are finally back home! 2 weeks apart is just too long.
In other news...you might have noticed that we don't have an August kit this month at Freehand Scraps. For a lot of reasons, I am taking a small break from selling monthly kits. I am planning some terrific projects that I will be sharing here on my blog and will also be selling on our website this fall. I will for sure be sending out a newsletter letting everyone know when I have projects for sale, so I won't be keeping you in the dark. And we have a lot of kits for sale on the website currently. I hardly know what to do with myself not having to visit the post office every day! I am excited to do something a little different and come up with some inspiring project kits!
And since I can't seem to post anything without some pictures...here are a few from our trip to Chicago. Emily Spahn recommended the boat ride through downtown, which I am so glad that we did. It was perfect weather and a perfect day for it! Best views of the city I think.
Hope you are all having a great week!
I was wondering where the August kit was! :-) I am so excited to see what new & exciting creative goodness you have for us!!!
So glad you enjoyed the boat trip! :) Looks like you had a ton of fun!
tell that chick in the first photo to fix her hair ;)
I've only purchased a couple of kits and I love them. So it's sad to know you are slowing down, but I totally understand that when you are in business for and with yourself, it's a big commitment and little time off. Enjoy your freedom until the next idea comes along!
Hi there! Just getting caught up on my blog reading--so jealous about your trip to Chicago! :) It's one of my very favorite cities--big, yet still has that midwestern feel! I am so looking forward to seeing what projects, etc you're cooking up--I'll watch my inbox for your newsletter later in the fall!
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