Monday, February 15, 2010

You didn't really embellish your mailbox did you?

Um...the answer is yes, yes and yes. There is nothing off limits to me. If it has a paper, fabric, metal, glass, or wooden surface then it is fair game! The mailbox story begins with the fact that my house came with a lovely mallard duck mailbox. (I know, to each their own. And NO offense to anyone who has a duck mailbox.) However, this was definitely not my kind of mailbox, and every summer when the huge vine of poison ivy (yeah...I had NO idea that's what it was!) would grow all over it, I was happy to see the small ducks disappear into the greenery. This summer ants invaded the mailbox and a very large spider took up residence. As the time went on, I was liking that silly mailbox less and I'm sure you can imagine. And each time I extracted my small stack of mail I had to wildly shake it like crazy to try and make sure that no unwanted critters had crawled into the stack. I finally resorted to putting an ant trap inside the box, which did take care of the crazy ant colony...but I'm sure my mail carrier wasn't too appreciative. The spider remained and spun crazy webs all through the mailbox. So as I drove into the driveway last week it looked like the mailbox was hanging by one tiny screw and about to fall onto the driveway. The mail carrier had nearly ripped it off the post. But instead of thinking that this was an unfortunate event...I saw the silver lining. A NEW shiny mailbox was going to be in my future! So guess what I bought myself for V day? You guessed it. Basic grey with all kinds of potential. (I would also like to say that I finished the install last night at twilight with frozen fingers and NO power tools to speak of. Each hole was drilled by hand with my little Fiskars hand I love that thing...and each screw was attached with my simple screw driver. Aren't you proud of me? Wait don't answer that...I already am proud of myself!)

This is what the old mailbox looked like...yeah I told you! (And as a side note...why do you suppose the ducks are flying towards the back of the box? They should really be flying towards the front I think.)
And here is my shiny new one...and YES we got more snow last night. Ugh! :)
I added the numbers after this photo was taken.

A few Hambly rub-ons on the front and a little bird added to the side. That's all it took. Now it's "personalized" just enough. Although I might have added a few more birds on the side...they can always be added later on. Every time I drive into the driveway a little smile creeps onto my face. Happy Tuesday! I'm working on a newsletter right now with sneak peeks, so be checking back for that!


truleetraci said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new mailbox!!! It is so "Heidi"... and you SHOULD be SO PROUD of you!!!

nAnnAlYnn said...

way to go heidi!! i am very prOud
of you...& without power tools!!
it's really really great looking...
not gooey's got style.
please send me a cool embellishment for the red one up at the cabin...any ideas??


Now it looks stunning!! =D

Erin said...

So cool! I'm actually very impressed that you lived with those ducks as long as you did! :)

Lexi said...

I love that I have a friend who embellished her mailbox :) as much as I stalk the mailman I wonder what he would think if I jazzed ours up a bit...hmmm...;)

em said...

Love it!!!

Holly said...

very cool Heidi, you go girl! Women can be more mechanical than men on so many levels. Since we have a mail slot on our house than I guess I can't really embellish it too much but I love those Hambly rubon flowers-are we going to be seeing those in a kit anytime soon.

Just Call Me Grammy said...

Super cute mailbox and cool that you did it yourself!!! I have been thinking I needed one of those Fiskars I want one even more :o) I embellished our mailbox once with paint and my children (then in highschool) wanted to move. They were MORTIFIED, so I considered it a complete success ;o)

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