Thursday, January 31, 2008

Look what I just got!

I just received a huge Fed Ex box with my new scrapbook table in it...very exciting. The pictures are sideways because I couldn't lift the monstrous box right side up. (Thanks to the Two Peas message board for the heads up about FREE shipping and handling and the furniture sale at Target.) I have had my eye on this for quite some time now. All that need's to be done now is the assembly...bummer. This is normally a project that I would tackle right away, but since the site is up and the kits are for sale first thing tomorrow morning at 8:00 am CST it will just have to wait! I saw that Jamie Waters, my guest designer, posted her layouts on her blog with a link to Freehand Scraps today. If you don't read her blog, you definitely should start. Her photography is amazing and so is her scrapbooking which makes for a great combination! You can read her blog at I had a blast working with her, and she is such a sweet person. I hope to work with her again in the future!

In other's officially freezing here. Absolutely a BLIZZARD out right now. High of 28 degrees with snow for the next 3 days is not very exciting! I have the Weather Channel on my desktop and they have a little reader/slide show that has the warmest location in the US at that particular time. So I have to give a big shout out to Okeechobee, FL. It was 78 degrees there this morning! Enjoy that. I really need to take that off of my's too depressing to see what I am missing out on.

Also I am going to do my first giveaway. Watch for a post tomorrow with pictures of a Valentine gift that a good friend of mine made for me. (She graciously is making another one, just so I can share one with you!) It is seriously CUTE! As well as very functional! Leave a post there tomorrow, and I will randomly draw a winner! Stay WARM!


~Sasha Farina~ said...

Hi Heidi! I came from Jamie's blog (where i usually lurk around). I must say that you have such great eye and your "Heart to Heart" is fabulous!!! Here's wishing you all the best in this new venture from Sunny Island Singapore.. (oops.. not trying to rub it in.. LOL)

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