Friday, January 25, 2008

Here we go...

Well here I am embarking on a journey into this big world of blogging. It seems I am that very last person to get on the blog train, but I am going to give this a shot. I think it will prove to be a great "journal" so to speak of events. I also like that technology has made it so much easier to connect with people. I will be posting photos of the kids and cute things they said, and basically just telling our life's story. Along with it I would like to include ideas for creating and being creative. I have been inspired by others blogs to try new recipes, make crafts, take photo's, change my perspective, and try new scrapbook techniques. I hope to do the same here, as well as keep everyone up to date on the latest news from Freehand Scraps. I will have sneak peeks and giveaways and a lot of fun things in store. So I hope to get to know you, as you get to know me here: "WHERE IT'S AT."


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