Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I don't mean to keep complaining about the weather, but today it was so windy/rainy that it literally blew my umbrella inside out! It was just like a scene out of Mary Poppins. The only thing good about the rain is that Chloe gets such a thrill out of getting to use her "froggy" umbrella. My yard is beginning to look like a small series of ponds!

In Freehand Scraps news...I just unpacked at least 8 boxes of new goodies!! One of the shipments was from American Crafts. This product is all brand-new from their CHA winter lines. Very exciting! Getting prepared for the big CHA event...excited to meet some of my scrapbooking heroes, and to just soak in all of the creativity! (pictures for sure will follow!)

(*On a side note people who are signing up for 3 month subscriptions are not being charged for shipping + handling. PayPal is working on resolving the issue right now. Until they do, I will send you a request for funds through PayPal for the additional shipping charge, and also to get your shipping addresses. Thanks for your patience on this matter!)

If I could, I would send you all a big bouquet of roses just like this one! These are the flowers I mentioned in an earlier post...but I am not opposed at all to buying myself fresh flowers. I suggest you do it, and let them brighten up those dreary wintry days! (Besides...they smell SO good.)


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