Friday, February 1, 2008

The BIG Launch...

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me with words of support and best wishes! What a wonderful be loved! This is what we woke up to this morning...very pretty, but VERY cold! (Yes, I have a REALLY big yard.) It's a snow day, which means I don't have to make the trek to preschool today...NICE! Now I have to get ready for my big workout that will solely consist of shoveling snow...I think I'd better make some hot chocolate so that I can tackle it with a smile instead of a sigh. The kids were really excited about the snow and it's sooooo deep that they are already planning to make a snowman and have a snowball fight. More pictures of this event will follow, to be sure!!

In other BIG news...the kits are officially for sale. I am so excited. I hope that everyone out there can catch my vision of what Freehand Scraps is all about. This dream of mine is finally becoming a reality and I am so thrilled!
So to celebrate Freehand Scraps coming to fruition I am doing a giveaway...the cute hearts above are 100% cotton Valentine dish cloths that are handmade by my sweet friend Danette. She is so talented with her knitting! I loved getting this gift. Not only is it something that you can use on a daily basis, but it also looks cute in your kitchen! So post a comment to introduce yourself and I will draw a winner and announce it tomorrow! Hope you have a GREAT Friday!


Ahauna said...

Very cool. Reminds me of when I was little and my grandmother and great grandmother used to knit potholders for all the family members to use. I wish I still had one of them now.

mk said...

Love the potholders. Very cute. Also love your Feb kit. Hope sales go well for you today.


Sandy Lewis said...

Love the valentine dishcloths and your kit is adorable, too.
I wonder if your friend would share the pattern for the dishcloths. Thanks.

Holly said...


All looks great on your site! The kit is very nice and hope the launch is a successful one....The dishcloths are so cute-I need one. We are getting snow here in Denver tonight and it is cold, also there is some thunder and lightning with the snowfall-unusual...

nAnnAlYnn said...

it's a snowy snowy night here in
your kit is totally great and I love
the creative layouts. you've inspired me to get busy and make
valentines and thank you notes.
love that dishcloth..
those cotton knit ones are the best.

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