Friday, May 23, 2008


Well it has been raining all day here and it's been in the mid-50's. NOT my idea of spring! I actually had to wear my winter coat it felt so chilly! The good news is that tomorrow is supposed to be 75 degrees...the kids will I'm sure want to break out their swimsuits and play in their pool, because it will feel like such a heat wave! But we have t-ball practice in the morning and a graduation party to go to later on, so we'll see if it actually happens.

Today was Tanner's last day of school, and he cried this morning because he's going to miss his teacher so much. He would like to be in her class forever he told me. After we dropped him off at school, we headed to a newer mall in Peoria-which is about 30 minutes from our house. I am not totally familiar with the area, but I know how to get to most places from the highway. So we were on our way to do an Old Navy run because of their 40% off sale this weekend. (We found some great deals by the way, so it was a productive trip!) When it was time to head back to pick him up I called a friend of mine to make sure that I could take a certain road back through town that connects to the town that his school is in. She assured me that I should just stay on that road and it would lead me back home. Well folks, when people are giving you helps to know which direction on that road to go!! I felt like such an idiot when things were looking more and more like farms and little tiny towns. I called her one more time to say I thought I was headed in the wrong direction when the road I was on dead ended! Luckily the highway was right next to the dead end road. So I hopped onto the highway and started to head back to right where I had come from and the sign on the road said that I was 17 miles outside of Peoria!! I had spent almost 30 minutes driving in the opposite direction of Tanner's school. Luckily Susan a.k.a "friend with directions" offered to pick Tanner up when she picked up her daughter because now I was going to be really late. Needless to say...we spent an hour and 15 minutes driving, and with gas prices at $4.09 YEP that's right, $4.09, I was a little perturbed. But I did find some cool little antiques stores as I drove through Kewanee and Kikapoo (I think those were the names.) I may have to take my mom next time she visits. They looked really fun! Oh I do like a good adventure, and I really don't mind getting lost because I can always seem to find my way back home...(I have been known to stop and ask for directions even!! GASP.) But I don't like getting lost when A.) I have a plane to catch! or B.) I need to be somewhere important!

I have got to remember to take a picture of the sign at the gas station in town. They didn't have a number 4 for the price ($4.09), so it looks like they used some kind of tape to make their own!! It just looked so out of place! Have a great Friday, and I hope you don't have an adventure like I did today!


Just Call Me Grammy said...

You went to Kewanee!!! No wonder you were late! That is where I grew up and my folks still live there.

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